When solving 3 simultaneous linear equations then one of the following geometrical will occur which are represented by the 3 planes.
1) A unique single solution means that all three planes intersect at a point.
2) An infinite number of solutions which would mean that one or more planes may intersect along a line.
3) No solution which would mean that there is no intersection and that the planes are parallel.
In cases 2) and 3) the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero.
If there is a unique solution or an infinite number of solutions as in cases 1) and 2), we say that the equations are consistent
If there is no solution as in case 3) then we say the equations are inconsistent.

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As for when, well this is a huge project and has taken me at least 10 years just to get this far, so you will have to be patient.

The good news is, they will go up at some point but please do not ask me when as there are other topics as well as this and website maintenance and answering all the emails that needs to be done.