Edexcel Maths

Here you will find the Edexcel maths index for tutorials and worked solutions to past papers covering everything you need to know in order to pass the exam with confidence.

Old Specification – Last exam May/June 2018

New Specification – starting Sept 2017

I am currently working on preparing this for Sept 2017 and so please be patient as this is a huge task reorganising the website to cater for this change. Gradually the links will become live over the summer as I put up each specification with related tutorials.

AS Mathematics :

Pure Mathematics

Paper 1:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Statistics and Mechanics

Paper 2:

Tutorials | Past Papers

AS Further Mathematics :

Core Pure Mathematics

Paper 1:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Pure Maths

Further Maths 1:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Maths 2:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Statistics

Further Statistics 1:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Statistics 2:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Mechanics

Further Mechanics 1:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Mechanics 2:

Tutorials | Past Papers

A Level Mathematics :

Pure Mathematics


Past Papers

Paper 1 | Paper 2

Statistics and Mechanics

Paper 3:

Tutorials | Past Papers

A Level Further Mathematics :

Core Pure Mathematics

Paper 1:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Paper 2:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Pure Maths

Further Maths 1:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Maths 2:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Statistics

Further Statistics 1:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Statistics 2:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Mechanics

Further Mechanics 1:

Tutorials | Past Papers

Further Mechanics 2:

Tutorials | Past Papers